

The Linux Virtual File System

2 minute read

Linux allows different filesystems to be accessed via a kernel software layer called Virtual File System (VFS). VFS handles all the system calls related to a...

Linux Filesystem and file operation

9 minute read

In the previous article, we see that system processes need to perform files operation very frequently. In this article, I will discuss some of Linux filesyst...

Zombie process

1 minute read

Zombie process is the process that finished execution but still has an entry in the process table; and the exit status has not been read by the parent proces...

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TCP series - Part 3: Congestion control

1 minute read

In this series, you will learn about crucial (but easily overlooked) details of the most important (and complicated) protocol in computer networking, aka TCP...

Access a website on the Internet

10 minute read

Let’s walk through an example where we need to access a website on the Internet, say “” from browser or curl command on terminal. W...

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Distributed Systems

Logical clock algorithms

4 minute read

Logical clock synchronization takes a different approach based on Leslie_Lamport’s 2 observations: The clocks do not really need to agree on time if there...

Leader election algorithms

8 minute read

Many distributed systems require a leader to coordinate members. For instance, usually a group of replicas will have 1 leader that receives reads from the cl...

Reliable group communication

4 minute read

Multicast is a popular implementation of group communication, for example, data can be replicated within database cluster with multicasts.

Clock synchronization algorithms

8 minute read

Synchronizing time in distributed systems is crucial to ensure that the interactions between members in the system are correct and fair. For instance, let’s ...

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